November 2021 Progress

In the month of November, we made great physical progress towards the final product. At the beginning of the month, we moved the trailer from SPN to the UTD Machine Shop in order to start making progress. While we were waiting for our materials to get here, we completed all the assembly drawings for both the mid ramp and the lower ramp.

Around the second/third week of November, the materials were finally delivered to the UTD Machine shop. During our Wednesday lab time, 2 of our team members went to prep and clean the material to start cutting, while the other team member worked on the CAD drawing of the new hinges and the detachable bottom. On the last week of November, we all went as a team to the machine shop and started cutting the steel tubing.

Plans for the End of the Semester

  • Finish cutting the last parts of the lower ramp
  • Have andrew weld everything together
  • Finish EPICS exhibit poster and write the final project paper for next semester