September, 2019

After reviewing the work that had been completed by the previous semester’s team, we formulated our goals for the semester, which includes the following:

  1. Creating a finalized design that fits all the needs of our project partner, and the TxDOT regulations.
  2. Producing a CAD model that accurately represents the design.
  3. Completing simulations to ensure safety requirements are met such as weight and durability standards.
  4. Enacting a thorough feasibility study of the unique parts of the final design.
  5. Creating a prototype of the final product at a 1:10 ratio, and possibly starting the build process if time permits.

As of now, we have made plenty of changes to the initial design, which includes variations for the truss system in specific. After discussing our project requirements with the Machine Shop, we have finalized the material for our design as well.

After careful considerations, we have narrowed down our budget for the semester, which is again open to reevaluation.


We hope to visit the EQuest Facility in October to get a deeper understanding of the working of their organization. The CAD design should be finalized by this month, and we have to start looking for a possible trailer base for our ramp.