Partner Meeting

A new team has inherited the project for the semester of Spring 2017! We met with the project partner and have decided to tackle the feeding system and the heating system. The feeding system that we were left with was a prototype.


Here the idea was to make it easier to feed the kittens as there will be less hassle to dispose expired kitten feed as it has a lifespan of about one hour. For this semester, instead of focusing on the distribution of the mix we will be focusing on the creation. This will be accomplished by creating a machine that can  either shake, stir, or vibrate until the mix is made. Once the mix is made, it should be able to be dispensed and distributed among the kittens.


Secondly, the heating will also be a focus of this semester as well. Kittens at a young age cannot regulate their own body temperatures. For this reason, we will be discovering methods to heat the kittens. Our original idea followed this model.

We wanted to use a heating system as a fan in order to provide warmth via Convection. For this reason, we believed that a fan will accomplish this the best. The ideas are to either use a separate heater or to add a heater to the mixer and use that to heat the milk and the cage.


Next week we will update for our Mid-Semester Presentation!