November – December 2022

While there were a number of hurdles over the course of this semester, our team was able to make steady progress and identify what needed to be done moving forward. Our main focus was automatically sending a follow-up email after the case in Insightly was moved from opportunity to investigations, as this would allow the person making the allegation to sign the form in DocuSign. Unfortunately, we ran to some issues while attempting to do this. Specifically, Zapier was unable to automatically detect the email address of the person the email needed to be sent to, despite the fact that the address was listed in Insightly. We reached out to Zapier support, but weren’t able to get their response immediately, as it was sent to Alia’s (our project partner’s) email.

Once we did receive the response, we were told that this was an issue that we would need to contact Insightly about. Following this, we continued trying to solve the issue internally, and found that the reason Zapier did not detect the field is because it was a manually added custom field, rather than one automatically included. To resolve this issue, we would likely need to make a new section in Insightly, but this is something we would need to consult with Alia about.

While we were unable to fully accomplish the goals we set at the beginning of the semester, we have been able to make steady progress. Given the unforeseen problems that we had, we believe that our progress has been reasonable and beneficial for teams moving forward.