September 2022

The beginning of this month involved forming teams and learning about how the EPICS program functions. Once this was done, we began to review materials left by previous teams involved with this project, as a way to get an idea of what the partner needs and what we can do to work toward that. After this, we were able to meet with our partner in FACE, Alia, in order to ask further questions and learn directly what needed to be done. Based on this information and these discussions, we formed a plan on what we expect to get done during the semester. Now that all of our members have signed the necessary NDAs, we have access (in a limited capacity) to Insightly, Zapier, and Docusign. This allows us to move forward and begin working on streamlining the intake and communication between platforms used by FACE. Expectations and a plan for regular meetings with the client for feedback have been formed.