Fall 2022 – September Guitar Adapter Update

During this month we have finished the planning and sketching phases of the prototype improvements our team has decided to implement. Our team visited the My Possibilities facility in Plano and got a better understanding of how the given criteria apply to the HIPsters and their needs.

Planned prototype design improvements:

Reasons for improvements:

  1. Unstable when clasping the neck so add a neck brace for stability
  2. The servo motor is too weak for pressing strings so a new servo with more torque was ordered
  3. Electronics need a larger housing than the current prototype offers so the brace will act as a compartment for those systems
  4. The size adapter mechanism is unstable and hard to use so a new single screw system will be implemented

Overall, this month has been a time of laying the foundations for our actions over the rest of the fall 2022 semester. We are hopeful that the prototype will be functional by the end of this semester with all of the additional improvements fully implemented.