Fall 2022 – November Guitar Adapter Update

This month was focused on 3D printing and testing the prototype that was designed last month. It also consisted of implementing changes as issues arose with the print and assembly of the design. There have been several errors in the parts that were uncovered, that being the distance of the screw holes to the edge of the print, stability posts not matching up to the corresponding holes, and other minor print and design issues. The circuitry continues to function as intended from last month and no changes are planned for its design or size currently.

Fig 1. 3D printed prototype with two main body structures (top) and electronics panel (bottom).
Fig 2. Most recent CAD model of the guitar adapter prototype.
Fig 3. An alternative view of the most recent CAD model of the guitar adapter prototype.

The next step is to continue iterating the design and make improvements to the comfortability of use and function of the prototype, especially with regard to its assembly. Future improvements would reduce the overall size and increase the comfort of using the device on the guitar.