Semester Goals

Spring 2023

Our overarching goal this semester is to prepare the database for deployment.

This will involve completing the following goals:

● Create a homepage dashboard

○ Display notifications and alerts

○ Quick View dashboard showing upcoming grant deadlines

● Implement internal way to add users to be able to edit the database

● Implement filtering method for grant information in the report generator

○ Add a Report All method

○ If no data returned, do not create a file report

● Implement sorting method for grant information in the report generator

○ Display donors even if they do not have grants

● Rework grant form validation

○ Prevent form data from resetting after invalid submission

● Add a user manual tab that stores basic user manual for users

● Cleanup

○ Remove logs to ensure no data leaks into devtools

○ Remove unused pages and their routes

○ Change references of organizations to donors

● Fixes

○ Fix editing feature for grants and donors

● Automate deployment to Azure

Fall 2022

Our semester goals for Fall 2022 is:

  1. New grants and organizations can be successfully:
    1. Added
    2. Edited 
    3. Displayed
    4. Filtered
    5. Deleted


  1. Report builder can generate reports with accurate, user-readable data

In – Progress

  1. User interface has been redesigned to match partner’s specifications – “More ‘Kellermann feel’”


  1. Project partner is satisfied with the progress that has been made and feels that the database and related programs have been improved

In – Progress

Spring 2022

For the Spring 2022 semester, our goal is to create a database that will allow our client, The Kellermann Foundation, to easily collect data about their customers. This ranges from adding new customers to generating a yearly report, to deadline reminds. This will enable our client to further enhance their operation and reach higher goals.