October Update

As we close in on October, here are the updates for this month:

We finished implementing functionalities such as create, add, update, delete so the user can modify their resource information accordingly. In order to use these functionalities, we need to create the necessary forms. We have two forms designed. The first form shown is our add form. The user would input the necessary data such as the resource type, name, address, hours of operation, phone number, website, and a brief summary about this resource. After they are done filling in the information, they can press the submit button to add the new resource to their records. The user can also choose view all to view all the records they have stored on the website.

The next form we created displays all the information about the resources that are on the record. The user can choose any of the resources and modify its contents as desired, by clicking on the black pen. The user can also delete the resources in a few clicks. The user would have to user can choose any of the resources and modify its contents as desired. The user can also delete the resources in a few clicks. The user would have to click on the red trash can and upon clicking the user would get a pop up message asking them to confirm their action. Once they click yes, the resource is successfully deleted from the website. The user can also sort the city, state, and zip code as necessary.

These are our major updates to the website this month. Everything is going according to plan as we slowly cross out the list of things our partners are asking for.