

Welcome! We are the “Calcium Corps” and we are working with the Texas Osteoporosis Foundation in order to create a Personnel Tracker App.

Project Description

The project is a web application for volunteers (which include medical students, TOF staff, and medical professionals) to register, attend, and earn hours at events hosted by the Texas Osteoporosis Foundation (TOF). The app will also allow TOF staff to moderate volunteers and create events. Currently, the Volunteer Management and Training System Web app is capable of servicing the basic needs of the TOF. Users can register their account (and are capable of gaining admin privileges), and all users are authenticated. Admins can create and edit events by entering event information. Fields admins can fill when creating or editing events include: location, event name, date, time, organizer name, languages spoken at the event, duration, prerequisites, description, capacity, position(s) available, and an image thumbnail.

Currently, events are displayed in 2 formats: a calendar view and list view. Users, who are not admins, can view an event’s information and register for the event if the current capacity has not been exceeded. Admins can view who is registered for an event, remove a user from an event. Our current implementation of the Volunteer Management and Training System Web app presently meets the minimum viable product requested by the organization. This semester we will spend our time developing the features of the application to increase the quality of life of the web app.

About Our Partner

Osteoporosis, characterized as a “silent killer”, is an understated and overlooked bone disease with life-altering consequences for those who are affected. Young and ambitious, the Texas Osteoporosis Foundation strives to bring bone health to the forefront of doctor/patient dialogues through accessible education and resources. Through purposeful community outreach efforts, which include Bone Mineral Density testing and DXA machine screenings, the TOF advocates for vulnerable demographics susceptible to Osteopenia, a precursor to osteoporosis, as well as those presently touched by the ailment. The foundation especially concentrates their efforts on underserved communities and those who uninformed of bone density issues. The Texas Osteoporosis Foundation, headed by compassionate and driven individuals, has elevated the Plano area with their campaign. Founded after the unexpected loss of a loved one to osteoporosis, the Texas Osteoporosis Foundation seeks a greater future; ultimately, the TOF aspires to “[improve] life through the prevention, diagnosis, and eradication of osteoporosis”.