

Over the past month, the deployment process was carried out successfully. The process is now working with the production database, a live demonstration was given on the 19th and a board meeting with the RALC was held on the 23rd with positive feedback from the staff members. However, there are still some minor issues with the production database that need to be investigated.


As of March 29th, we have a working process from attendance input to sending automatic SMS.

The system is now able to respond to changes in student time (attendance input), modify absence level and send automatic text messages accordingly.

Tasks that still need to be done are:

  • Integration to the real Salesforce database.
  • Edits SMS templates to pull the desired data from the merge fields and also have templates in multiple languages.
  • Stress testing.

Conceptual Design

The key attribute in our design is the absence level of a student which will decide the outcome of the entire process. We used finite-state machine approach to demonstrate our design because the process has one key attribute which characterizes each “state” of the process.

Here we have 4 absence levels which change based on the condition whether a student is present or absent. If a student missed a class, the absence level will be incremented and the process will move to the higher state. If the student is present the absence level will reset back to 0 regardless of what state he or she is currently in.

Each state has its own attributes that define the entire process:

  • State 0:  This is the initial state where absence level is 0 and no further action needs to be done.
  • State 1: Corresponding to absence level 1 and SMS will be sent out to the student (with template #1).
  • State 2: Corresponding to absence level 2 and SMS will be sent out to the student (with template #2).
  • State 3: At absence level 3 the process will stop sending SMS to the student but instead start sending an email to the coordinator notifying that the student has been missing from the class 3 consecutive times.
  • State 4:  This state is needed in the process as an ending process where the system takes no further action. The student will remain in this state if they still absent and if they come back in anytime the absence level will be back to 0 again.




We use Salesforce Process to implement our solution. We currently have three processes:

  • Attendance Check.
  • Absence Level Update.
  • Absence Level Check.

Our design takes attendance data from an external source as input and modifies individual’s absence level. The end result is taking action (resets, invokes 360 SMS or sends email) according to the modified absence level. In order to implement our design, we link the processes together as:

Attendance Check –> Absence Level Update –> Absence Level Check

Attendance Check.

  • Attendance Check: Process takes attendance input and decides whether to invoke another process or to reset the student absence level.

Attendance Level Update.

  • Absence Level Update: Process updates absence level according to the student’s absence level.

Absence Level Check.

  • Absence Level Check: Process checks the current absence level and redirects action to 360 SMS or triggers an email alert to the coordinator.






After weeks of meetings and investigations, we found a solution on how to send texts through Salesforce!
First off, we decided to get rid of the idea of using an app. The app we were going to use did not fit our specifications, and the ones that do are not within our price range.
We decided to send texts by email. By that, we mean sending an email to the user’s phone which will also send a text. To do that, the email address must have the format (phone#@phonecarrier.com). By using that, we are sending a text to the students without it costing the RALC anything.


Apps and Simulations

During our research, we found out that Salesforce has a selection of applications that offer users where they can be easily integrated into our system and can send SMS messages. In other words, we don’t have to make our own app!

On the downside, each of the apps cost something, some ranging from $120 for 3 months and some ranging $20 a month, with varying lengths of a free trial. So far, we have narrowed it down to one app called “ClickSend”, which provides and extensive free trial and is cheap enough to where it won’t damage the RALC’s budget.

Since we have narrowed it down, we now have to test it out with a “sandbox” (a simulated environment) to test out how to read the data and trigger the system to send SMS messages.

The Situation So Far.

The problem that the RALC is facing is that they need a faster way to communicate with their staff about the attendance of their students. First, the teacher takes the attendance and sends it to their student coordinator to take notes on who was absent, who then sends those notes to one of their volunteer translators, who will contact the student about their absence. This entire process takes about a week. They want to shorten that length to about a day.

Over the past few months, we have been acquainting ourselves with the platform that they use, Salesforce.

Welcome to the web page!


This post is just a message to whomever is reading this post. This website is dedicated to marking the progress and setbacks of the Richardson Adult Literacy Center and their collaboration with the University of Texas at Dallas.
