Private Recording Booth

Our Mission: Create a soundproof recording booth for kids to learn.

There are many difficulties in teaching a child to read. It is a process that can be taught in numerous forms and can prove to difficult for different types of learners. While the visual learner can relate letters and words to sounds and a tactile learner can connect the feelings of different sounds to the words on the page, an audible learner is left with the problem of having to hear others, or themselves, read to understand how to formulate words into sound. With this in mind, Kids-U has decided to pursue a fun and very personal method to help audible learners to read. By creating a soundproof recording booth that the kids can operate to record themselves reading, older kids will be able to practice their reading and younger kids will be able to read along with these playbacks. Our goal for this project is to design this booth with a focus on kid operability, safety, and most importantly fun!