Update #3

We took Dr. Lee’s feedback on how the quizzes should be structured and began designing a frontend wireframe for it on Figma. Our design included lots of colors and big icons. We showed our design to the lead technological developer at IntelliChoice, Arthur, to receive feedback.

We received feedback from Arthur and learned that the button were too big. However, Arthur liked the idea of making everything colorful as it appeals to the younger audience. We began working on the react app with the feedback in mind.

Our teams split up into those who were working on frontend and those who were working with backend. The frontend developers worked on creating a nice user interface in react while the backend worked on sorting out topics and subtopics so that tutors can add them and qui questions.

There would be a navigation bar at the top to navigate across different sections of the page. There will be a homepage, a practice page for the quizzes, a profile page to display student information, and a quit page to send the user back to the IntelliChoice main page.

The math topics will be partitioned up and have different colors associated with them. With allows for ease of navigation, excellent organization, and appealing colors. By click on the boxes, it would send the user to a subtopics page for even more partitioning, but that’s for future semesters to work on.

Instead, clicking a topics page will send the user to a sample quiz that they take depending on the subject they choose.

We have ended off the semester by completing a working random quiz generator. The future semesters will work on adding a next question button and show answer button for the quizzes, make it possible for tutors to edit subjects and quiz questions, and deliver the project to the client.

Update #2

We initially had troubles with running Docker on our computers. Only certain OS can run docker. Additionally, because Dr. Lee and Arthur disapproved of the previous team’s front-end design, we have decided to start from scratch.

We have finished a prototype for how the front-end would look like. We are currently using React to create the front-end for the Quiz and Admin dashboard. Additionally, we are researching back-end related applications, like Monjo.db to create a database for the questions.

We met with Dr. Lee to present our front-end wireframe design. We received feedback and had a change in our requirements. Initially, we thought the Admin dashboard allowed the tutors to administer quizzes to the students. Then, the students would complete their quizzes in the Student dashboard. After talking to Dr. Lee, he wanted the quiz dashboard to be a page where students can freely practice math problems with no quizzes being administered.

We have taken Dr. Lee’s feedback and are working to change the front-end design and the layout of the back-end to support this new style of quizzing. Although changes in the requirement delay our progress, it makes the design and development phase much easier in terms of the back-end.

Update #1

We met with our Project Partner, Dr. Lee, and the head developer of IntelliChoice, Arthur, to outline what we should accomplish in this semester. We have decided to familiarize ourselves with the MERN stack and Docker in order to complete this project. We have been tasked to create an application that will generate quiz questions for the students at IntelliChoice to practice. Additionally, we will improve and polish the frontend user interface for the Quiz and Admin dashboard.

Our Prospects for the Future

One of our struggles and troubles we have encountered is installing Docker and getting it running. Without Docker, we are not able to access the previous team’s progress. We are currently looking into ways to get Docker running on our systems and reaching out to people, like Arthur, for help.

Update #6

We created our Mid-Semester Presentation and pitched it successfully to the judges. Our efforts had paid off well as we had rehearsed the presentation together many times beforehand, and could answer to all the questions well.

In terms of the application’s progress, we have created new User Interfaces for the following pages:

  • Dashboard (Home Screen), showing charts and statistics on the student’s progress
  • Login Screen, asking for input details needed for the authentication process
  • Quiz Start page, allowing user to ensure they are taking the right quiz








Due to two weeks of Spring Break and the unfortunate circumstances, the coding phase has not made major progress yet. However, we aim to compensate for the lost time in the coming weeks by dedicating extra effort and time into it.

Update #5

We completed our project plan this week. It was a challenge to assess the Acceptance Criteria, considering the struggle to run the existing program done by the previous teams. After collective discussion within ourselves and seeking advice from technical mentor, Chase, and instructor, Dr. Bennett, we finally determined the goals for this semester on the project. We decided to complete by April the following components:

  1. Dashboard Page with functional buttons
  2. Quiz Page with ability to take multiple quizzes
  3. Login Page with option to login or sign up and set up authentication for login


Update #4

The semester is at an end. Our projects are going on well.  Every page we designed have improved a lot.  The following is the current format we have achieved.

The following picture is for Dashboard, it contains 3 parts, header, achievement and Quiz List.

The following picture is for the quiz box,

The following is the design of the profile page


Our project partner gave us a lot of help. Hope next semester’s team can work better to improve the design




Update #3

These days we are working on the design of the mockup and coding of the new  website. We need to design Dashboard, profile and quiz question page. The process was not that smooth as we thought. Because our CSS and JavaScript were not that good, we were still struggling with the coding of some of the layout. We might look for more tutorial to learn more about the programming. Arthur usually come here and gave advice for the layout we have created. He gave much practical advice. We modified the mockup several times in order to meet the user requirement. Everthing seemed going on well.

For the next period, since our design job is nearly at an end, we may focus more on the coding of the interface. We will keep interact with our technical partner about the style of the interface in order to make a better one.

update #2

After working out the project plan, we are working on it now. The first step is to design a dashboard for the whole website. We come up with a prototype for the dashboard. But it did not satisfied the client and our technical partner. They said it looks childish. The reason for that is that we figured out the wrong users. We thought it was for 7 year-old-child. Actually, it was for 12 year-old-child. So we decided to modify that. When it comes to back end. Bryanth successfully put the file into the docker, the routing finally worked. We can share his code and did the job. Our technical helper Chance came and taught us how to organize the development job. The core of successful development is that do  not start different part of the project in the same time. Do not let more than one person develop.

We are confident for the late development.

Update #1

This week we finished our project plan. It is a hard job. At first , we did not know how to write that and the article was full of unrealistic words. Thanks to Arthur and other technical partners’ help, we finally finished that. They helped us to have a initial thoughts of the whole website, like going through all the tasks we need to finish and where we should put the functions. What is more, they tried to lead us to find the goal of the project.

In next week, we may get to start to work.

Remaining tasks is the following:

  1. Talk to the client for the requirement of the dashboard
  2. Design the Dashboard
  3. Code the Dashboard
  4.  Test the Dashboard




Update #9


We are currently working on the Final Report, presentation, and the exhibit poster. We are also working on the web application. The quiz successfully generates questions populated randomly from the database depending on the subject. However we still need to clean up the code and add some CSS elements. Our original website prototype had 6 different topics on it however, right now we only have different math topics in our database. All the information in the database was put in manually and we are also looking at ways we could automatically get the database to generate that information through the backend.