The University of Texas at Dallas
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Portrait of Remberti dodonaei Mechliniensis in A nievve herball, or historie of plantes : wherein is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes, their diuers and sundry kindes, their straunge figures, fashions, and shapes : their names, natures, operations, and vertues, and that not onely of those whiche are here growyng in this our countrie of Englande, but of all others also of forrayne realmes, commonly used in physicke by Rembert Dodoens. Collection: Louise B. Belsterling Botanical Collection

Library Mobile App

a student holding her smartphone that shows the McDermott Library app dashboard

Introducing the Library Mobile App!

McDermott Library now offers the Library Mobile App to bring the power of the library to your fingertips. Sign in to this innovative, free app with your NetID for quick access to study room reservations, research assistance, your library account, course reserves reading lists and much more.

App Features

  • Reserve a Study Room: View and book available study rooms.
  • Course Reserves: Easily access assigned Course Reserve materials.
  • Discover and Library Catalog Search: Search for library resources on the go and gain direct access to many electronic resources.
  • Chat with a Librarian: Click the “Ask Us” tile to connect with a librarian for research help and library questions.
  • Your Library Account: Manage your library loans and pickups and receive due date reminders
  • Events: Learn about and register for upcoming library events.
  • Hours: View library hours.
  • Maps: Navigate to the McDermott Library, Callier Library, History of Aviation Archives and around the UTD campus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Library Mobile App free?

How do I get the app?
To find the app, open the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search for Ex Libris Library Mobile App.

I have the app, how do I find the UTD library?
Under “Search for Institution” enter “Texas” and click on “University of Texas at Dallas, McDermott Library.”

Do I need a NetID?
Yes, you must be a currently-affiliated UT Dallas student, staff or faculty member and have an active NetID to access Library Mobile’s features.

How can I get help with the Library Mobile App or other library services?
Click on the “Ask Us” tile to chat with a librarian, visit us at the Research Services desk on the McDermott Library’s 2nd Floor, or call us at 972-883-2955.

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play