Games and Media Library

Check out ATC 3.705 for our Games and Media Library.

The Games and Media Library at the Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology at UT Dallas holds over 1,500 games and movies for students to use for schoolwork, personal research, or to take a break from the stress of the daily grind.



The GML supports our students by giving access to an archive of consoles and games. This availability allows courses to assign consoles and games for research without creating a prohibitively expensive syllabus, as well as providing options for specialized research. In addition, by creating a space for students to study the games together, the GML is a space where students can study how games impact a community as well as individuals.  


The GML also has an interactive arcade cabinet completely dedicated to student designed games (EMAGs) as well as a playable watchlist of student made cartoons (CometToons). This allows students who have developed games to showcase their work, other students can see what their peers have done, and prospective students have the chance to see what they might be able to accomplish in our program.


The GML works to reinspire students, reminding them why they are working so hard. Our games and animation program is full of students who genuinely love gaming! However, that love can get buried behind the pressure of due dates and exams. By giving students a dedicated game space, the GML lets them not only have fun but also come together with other students who are just as passionate as they are.



Imagination Station

Enter a Virtual Reality

Our Imagination Station is a room specifically designed for use with VR tools such as the Meta Quest 2. Students can check out the room with their own headsets or with the room’s dedicated headset to get started.

EMAG Cabinet

Game Lab’s Finest

The GML provides a space for students to showcase their games with our EMAG Cabinet, an interactive arcade cabinet dedicated to showcasing games 100% created by UTD students, or as we call them EMAGs. (Can you guess where we got the name?)

Temoc’s Watchlist

Anim Lab Presents

Check out the imaginative wonders Comets have added to Temoc’s Watchlist. These animations are created by UTD students and faculty, bringing the impossible to life.

Rules of the Space

  1. Fun Zone! No homework allowed (unless it is game related).
  2. No food or open drinks (and NO drinks on the game table).
  3. All GML resources remain in the room at all times.
  4. Unless officially reserved, all game checkouts come with a one-hour guarantee before it’s time to give someone else a turn.
  5. A physical Comet Card is required for game checkout.
  6. Ask the support technician to set up games and get out resources rather than grabbing them yourself.
  7. Reservation requests and questions can be sent to