- Gained access to student database
- Gained access to website code via GitHub
- Fixed the database sorting function (user error)
- Finished project plan and charter
Goals for the rest of March:
- Meet with mentor (Terrence Jones) to understand code line by line, which will require a functional understanding of C# and the ASP.NET MVC Framework
Goals for rest of semester (database project requirements):
- On the staff page, people with the roses listed as “Site Coordinator” need to change to OKM (On-site Kids-U Manager.
- Limit amount of information shown when getting fluency test reports to only: full name, grade, gender, score on test
- When pulling testing the spreadsheet should show all students and not just the students who were tested. This allows Kids-U to know who has been tested and who has not.
- Give the partner a handbook/guideline on using the database
We have recently realized that understanding the given code may be more difficult than we estimated. As a result, we may have to leave the completion of part 2 of our project, the online form, to a future team.