Innovative Research Starts Here

Our undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are working hard to help solve engineering challenges by leading the way in bold, innovative research. Our state-of-the-art facilities and labs help pave the way for research in microelectronics, telecommunications and computer engineering. With over 49 research awards won within 2017, our students and faculty are upholding the reputation of Fearless Engineering at UTD.


Labs & Facilities

Our students have access to excellent labs and facilities including advanced computational facilities, the advanced electrical characterization lab, cleanroom research lab, nano-characterization facility and surface and materials characterization lab. Beyond the UTD facilities, mutually beneficial partnerships have been established with many leading local industries to make their facilities available to our graduate students.

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Jobs for International Alumni in the Country

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Computer Engineering, among public schools in Texas


Students in ECE

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University in North Texas, Forbes

Graduate Research Opportunities

  • All-optical networks
  • ASIC design methodologies
  • Computer-aided design
  • Computer architecture
  • Control theory
  • Diffractive structures
  • Digital communications, modulation and coding
  • Electromagnetic-wave propagation
  • Electronic materials
  • Embedded systems
  • Fiber and integrated optics
  • Flexible electronics
  • High-speed system-on-a-chip design and test
  • Image processing
  • Interconnection networks
  • Microelectromechanical systems
  • Mobile computing and networking
  • Multimedia signal processing
  • Nanoelectronics
  • Network processor design
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Nonlinear signal-processing
  • Optical investigation of material properties (reflectometry and ellipsometry)
  • Optical metrology
  • Optical networking
  • Optical transmission systems
  • Plasma deposition and etching
  • Power and Energy Systems
  • Quantum-well optical devices
  • Reconfigurable computing
  • Smart antennas and array processing
  • Speech processing
  • Statistical and adaptive signal processing
  • Theory and experiments in semiconductor-heterostructure devices
  • VLSI design and test
  • Wafer bonding
  • Wireless communication, network protocols and evaluation