The University of Texas at Dallas
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Welcome Back, Comets!

Happy first week!

On the first day of fall semester, the Bass School social media team walked through the halls, chatting with students about their hopes and goals for the upcoming months. Meet them here and see what they’re looking forward to this fall.

By Javier Giribet-Vargas

Isaac Sakowitz

Senior – ATEC general

“The thing that I’m looking forward to the most this semester is Computer Modeling for Digital Fabrication. It’s just an interesting class, designing stuff to be able to actually print and feel the material aspect of it. Another class I’m excited for is my senior seminar. I’m very excited to see what my project is going to end up being!”

Grace Kang 

Senior – ATEC: Emerging Media Arts

“One thing I’m really excited about this semester is meeting all my professors and meeting all my classmates as well!”

Katie Davis

Senior – ATEC: Animation & Games

“I’m so excited this year! It’s my last year. And I am so excited to do Environmental Design II. It’s my favorite class this semester. I’m so excited to be back!”

Ashlynn Elizondo

Freshman – Business Management

“I’m excited about meeting new people!”

Mie Bakuya

Freshman – Communications 

“It is my hope for this first year that I pass all my classes because I really don’t want to fail.”

Kross Kalla

Freshman – Software Engineering

“I’m a freshman. I’m excited for all the food places that are close by.”

Christopher Castro

Junior – Computer Science 

“I’m excited to run cross country for school!”

Huzair Ahmad

Junior – Computer Science 

“I’m excited to get involved with all the clubs in computer programming so that I can better understand the subject!”

Liana Forster

Freshman – Computer Science

“I’m looking forward to meeting new people this year!”

Diego Becerra

Senior – Software Engineering

“This semester I’m looking forward to graduate. And if everything goes well this semester, I should be graduating in December. And I’m really excited and looking forward to it.”

Javier Giribet-Vargas

Communications Manager

Javier is a communications staffer who keeps the campus well-informed about the outstanding work the Bass School community produces. When he’s not at UT Dallas, Javier loves playing PS5 and indulging in his love for graphic novels.